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Crying. And crying. And even more crying.

Sound familiar?

If this is your newborn’s routine, colic may be the cause. While all babies cry, colic is when babies start crying suddenly for no apparent reason, and there is no easily distinguishable solution.

Colic is not a disease, but rather, it’s a catch-all for this incessant crying in babies who are otherwise seemingly healthy. As it appears in one in five infants, colic is a common problem.

Experts often use the “rule of three” to help parents determine whether their baby is experiencing colic. That is, it starts around three weeks old, it lasts for more than three hours at a time, it occurs at least three days a week and for at least three weeks in a row.

Examinations have shown that some babies have spinal distortions are likely causing head and neck pain. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics tracked a group of 50 infants with colic, half of whom received medication and the other half of whom received spinal manipulation. At the conclusion of the study, the adjusted babies saw a 67 percent reduction in crying compared to the 38 percent reduction of those who received the drug.

While chiropractic is not a cure for colic, which has typically been known to resolve itself on its own, it is a treatment for colic and can help improve your baby’s condition by restoring regular nervous system control.

Contact Advantage Chiropractic Clinic today to set up a consultation! Call us at 334-821-2552. #Colic #ChiropracticCare #ACC #AdvantageChiropracticClinic


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