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Baby It's Cold Outside! Tips for Staying Active in the Winter Months

SM.coldoutsideLet’s face it – once the holiday festivities come to an end, winter make us want to snuggle under a blanket on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa and the TV remote for company. But at Advantage Chiropractic, we’d like to encourage you to stay active, even in the cold winter months.

Get a little help from a friend: Find a friend to join you on a walk, bike ride or other activity. Having a buddy to chat with passes the time quickly and keeps you accountable. You’re less likely to skip the workout if you know your friend is counting on you!

Pile it on: Clothing, that is. Dress in multiple light layers to insulate your body and keep warm when doing outdoor activities.

Take it inside: There are great options for indoor activity when the weather is, shall we say, less than ideal. Local community centers like Auburn’s Frank Brown Recreation Center offer facilities, classes and programs that allow you to enjoy a climate-controlled environment while you participate in activities.

Sign up! Find a 5K, fun run or other event and sign up. It will give you a goal to work toward and help motivate you to stick to a routine. Find events coming up around the Auburn area here.

Drink up: It’s never too cold to hydrate! No matter the temperature, it is always important to stay hydrated. Be sure to drink water before, during and after any physical activity.

Before you get started, come visit us at Advantage Chiropractic Clinic. One of our doctors can check your alignment and make sure you’re ready to take on more activity and suggest exercises that will benefit your overall health.

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