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If back or neck pain is plaguing your lifestyle, you are likely seeking the most immediate and safest form of relief you can find.

Nonsurgical spinal decompression is one form of pain relief which promotes healing that we offer at Advantage Chiropractic Clinic. This treatment has been proven to have positive effects for our patients.

In its nonsurgical form, spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction that can help relieve back pain by gently stretching the spine, changing its force and position. Doing so relieves pressure from spinal discs, which act as cushions between the bones of your spine.

Creating negative pressure in the discs can result in the retraction of bulging or herniated discs, which in turn takes the pressure off nerves and other spinal structures.

Spinal decompression has been used to treat back and neck pain, sciatica, bulging or herniated discs, facet syndrome or injured spinal nerve roots.

During nonsurgical lumbar decompression, a patient is fitted with a harness around the pelvis and with another around the torso. Patients lay either face-up or face-down on a computer-controlled table. During cervical decompression the harness is secured to the patient’s forehead and at the base of the skull. The doctor determines the correct parameters and these customized settings are entered into the computer which performs the decompression specific to your treatment.

Nonsurgical decompression may or may not be the right treatment for you and the Doctor of Chiropractic will assess your need for this type treatment.

If you have more questions about spinal decompression therapy, give us a call at Advantage Chiropractic Clinic or review the information on our website (  Schedule an appointment today by calling 334-821-2552! We’re here to help you. #SpinalDecompression #ACC #AdvantageChiropracticClinic


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