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5 Foods That Can Reduce Holiday Stress Naturally

foods that can reduce holiday stress naturally

For some of us, just the concept of cooking for guests is the most stressful part of the season. After all, you have cookies to bake, hams to cook, and potatoes to roast. Well, we’re here to tell you to stop seeing food as a source of stress. You can turn it into the cure with these foods that reduce holiday stress naturally.


You know how you feel all sleepy and tired after your Thanksgiving dinner? That’s partly because your turkey contains tryptophan.

So, if you want to sleep well, consider trying a turkey sandwich or a roast turkey with some form of carbs to activate the tryptophan in the evening.


Magnesium. Vitamin E. B vitamins. Almonds have them all! These ingredients can improve your mood and prevent migraines.

Wondering how to incorporate them into your diet? Have a handful with dried cranberries, roast slivered almonds over asparagus, or make your hot chocolate with almond milk instead of cow’s milk.


Start the day off right with a bowl of oatmeal. Not only is it heart-healthy, it’s easy to make. Plus, it features healthy fibers and carbs. Those ingredients will ultimately boost your serotonin, giving your brain a rush of happy chemicals.

You can also sprinkle it with sliced almonds, so that you can have two of the foods that can reduce holiday stress naturally at the same time.

Sweet potatoes

Some of us call them “sweet potatoes.” Others call them “yams.” Either way, they deliver a good, strong dose of magnesium and B6.

A few nice ways to cook them include sweet potato fries, sweet potato pancakes, and even sweet potato cheesecake.


You need omega-3 fatty acids to decrease your cortisol (the stress hormone) levels and boost your mood. Salmon delivers on that front! And, as a bonus, it’s chock-full of vitamin D.

Cooks can find a variety of yummy ways to incorporate salmon into meals. Try making spinach-stuffed salmon, salmon cakes, or salmon pasta, among others.


It can be hard to feel merry when you have so much on your plate. As it turns out, though, your diet can help you have a wonderful winter. Don’t forget these tasty foods that can reduce holiday stress naturally.

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